About John and James

About John and James


I’m John Mayhall. The one with hair. I’ve built and led sales and ops teams at LinkedIn, Yahoo!, and CyberGRX. While I love operating, my first passion was political cartooning, inspired by a course with legendary cartoonist, Chan Lowe. Like business frameworks, political cartoons take big, tricky subjects and make them simpler. Using engaging visuals and wit to shape our perspective on the world. When not working or drawing, I’m watching Boston sports with my 3 kids, wife, and dog in Connecticut.


I’m James Raybould. The bald one. I’ve built and led product, marketing, and sales teams at LinkedIn, following my time at Bain. I’m the guy who loved business school because I got to geek out reading 2-3 new cases every day. I love business frameworks and I love business writing, so Blueprints lets me combine these two passions. When not working or writing, I’m reading, watching films, or hanging out with my wife and 2 kiddos in the Bay Area.